Lebanon is a small but energetic country that has suffered disproportionately from a long civil war, wars with Israel and the conflict in Syria. It not only hosts 469,000[1] Palestinian refugees, but since the outbreak of the Syrian revolution in 2011 it also hosts some 944,000[2] Syrian refugees who make up approximately 15 percent[3] of Lebanon’s population. This situation has severely affected a country that already struggled to provide for its own disadvantaged young people. The Asfari Foundation supports the resilience of civil society organisations working with Lebanese, Syrian and Palestinian communities in Lebanon.

[1] UNRWA, https://www.unrwa.org/where-we-work/lebanon, accessed 24 April 2019.

[2] UNHCR, Government of Turkey, 11 April 2019 (https://data2.unhcr.org/en/situations/syria#_ga=2.34514465.1220641923.1556110809-22774378.1555406513, accessed 24 April 2019).

[3] Based on 2018 population of Lebanon – 6,094,000 (UNData, http://data.un.org/en/iso/lb.html, accessed on 24 April 2019).